Interest and exponetial growth the new Gordian Knot
Interest and exponential growth
Anyone who believes exponential growth can go on forever in a finite world is either a madman or an economist" --Kenneth Boulding
The following is an example of exponential growth of how interest on one penny grows over the years.
What I am going to present is scientific truth. It based on the rule of 72. Please check my math. The thickness of a penny is .059 inches. The diameter of a penny is .748 inches. 12 X 5280 = 63360 inches in a mile. 63360 divided by .748 equals 84,705 the number of pennies you could set side by laying down. 84,7052 = 7.17493 x 109 the number of pennies that would cover 1 square mile. 63360 divided by .059 = 1,073.898. That number is how many pennies a stack of them a mile high would be. (7.1749 X 109) x 1.073.898 =7.70514 x 1015 . A cubic mile of pennies is 77trillion, 51 billion 400 million dollars!
According to the book Chronology of the Old Testament by Martin Anstey, Isaac the son of Abraham was born in 2017 B>C> This article was written 1992 AD. That makes it 4010 years since Isaac was born. Lets pretend that Abraham put 2 cents in a bank that gave 5.9628929 % interest that was guaranteed by the government. Let’s pretend h forgot about withdrawing his money. Maybe he lost the pass book. Pretend you are a relative and you found his deposit book and you take it to the bank for withdrawal of the interest that has been compounding over the years. How many pennies would you the bank pay out?
To solve the problem you can divide 72 by the interest rate and you will know how long it takes to double your money. 72 divided by 5.9626929 = 12.074676 years. Divide 4010 years by 12.074676 and you get 332.100001 the number of times it has double itself. 2332.10001 = 9.37701 x 1099 pennies. 9.37701 x 1099 divided by 7.70514 x 1099 divided by (7.70514 x 1015)=1.21698 X 1084 cubic miles of pennies.
The farthest Quasar detected when this article was written in 1992 was 16 billion light years away. The volume of a sphere with a radius of 16 billion light years would be 3.48447 X 1069 cubic miles. The volume 2169 X 1084 would equal 3.49235 X 1014 spheres the size of the universe. That number is 349, 23,000,000,000. If you demanded payment at the in pennies they would have to give you the volume of pennies contained in 349 trillion, 235 billion spheres the size of our known univers in 1993 AD
If Abraham receive 1% interest and the pass book was found ti would be 255.694444 or 5.83039 X 1016. Divide that by 5 billion and you 11660797 pennies or $116,607.97. You could then give 5 billion poor people $116,607.97 each.
What can we learn from the above example of continual exponential growth? Our economic system and banking system is based on exponential growth, and it will have to die at some time. Our banking system is based on exponential interest growth. It can not go on forever. At some point it will go bankrupt. Our national debt can not forever keep increasing. An increase of one penny is too much It must be paid down. What can be done about national, business and private debt and interest. It is the Gordian Knot of our time and can be solved by the people and not by those who enforce the new Golden Rule. The Gordian Knot is a legend associated with Alexander the Great. It is often used as a metaphor for an intractable problem, solved by a bold stroke ("cutting the Gordian knot"):
The new Golden Rule is he who has the gold rules. As long as we have plutocracy the Gordian Knot of our time will not be solved. Plutocracy is rule by the wealthy, or power provided by wealth. The combination of both plutocracy and oligarchy is called plutarchy.
In a plutocracy, the degree of economic inequality is high while the level of social mobility is low. This can apply to a multitude of government systems, as the key elements of plutocracy transcend and often occur concurrently with the features of those systems.
The word plutocracy (Modern Greek: πλουτοκρατία - ploutokratia) is derived from the ancient Greek root ploutos, meaning wealth and kratos, meaning to rule or to govern.
The block to solving the economic problems of our time are the plutocratic shills in congress. One hundred percent of our elected office holders say they represent us while they are wolves in sheep clothing ready to heap more suffering on those that elect them. There needs to be a total house cleaning on Capitol Hill. Here is the strategy to cut the Gordian Knot of our time.
1. Congress needs to take back its power to print and coin money. It should not be left to the Federal Reserve Banking system that is not really a part of government. Try finding the phone number of the Federal Reserve in the government section of the Yellow Page Directory.
2. Congress needs to give a tax credit for all interest paid on loans, mortgages, car payments, and interest on credit cards. For example if you pay out $2000 in interest you would get a $2000 credit on the taxes you owe. If you owe only $1500 on your taxes the IRS would write you a check for $500 for you to spend as you see fit.
3. Interest collected by the financial institutions would be taxed at 95% to help pay for the tax credit for consumers.
4. Banks would no longer be able to make money by loaning out money by using the fractional banking system we now have in place. There primary business should be limited to storing money and facilitate the exchange of money. Let them make their money by transaction and deposit fees and not by enslaving people in more debt.
Anyone who believes exponential growth can go on forever in a finite world is either a madman or an economist" --Kenneth Boulding
The following is an example of exponential growth of how interest on one penny grows over the years.
What I am going to present is scientific truth. It based on the rule of 72. Please check my math. The thickness of a penny is .059 inches. The diameter of a penny is .748 inches. 12 X 5280 = 63360 inches in a mile. 63360 divided by .748 equals 84,705 the number of pennies you could set side by laying down. 84,7052 = 7.17493 x 109 the number of pennies that would cover 1 square mile. 63360 divided by .059 = 1,073.898. That number is how many pennies a stack of them a mile high would be. (7.1749 X 109) x 1.073.898 =7.70514 x 1015 . A cubic mile of pennies is 77trillion, 51 billion 400 million dollars!
According to the book Chronology of the Old Testament by Martin Anstey, Isaac the son of Abraham was born in 2017 B>C> This article was written 1992 AD. That makes it 4010 years since Isaac was born. Lets pretend that Abraham put 2 cents in a bank that gave 5.9628929 % interest that was guaranteed by the government. Let’s pretend h forgot about withdrawing his money. Maybe he lost the pass book. Pretend you are a relative and you found his deposit book and you take it to the bank for withdrawal of the interest that has been compounding over the years. How many pennies would you the bank pay out?
To solve the problem you can divide 72 by the interest rate and you will know how long it takes to double your money. 72 divided by 5.9626929 = 12.074676 years. Divide 4010 years by 12.074676 and you get 332.100001 the number of times it has double itself. 2332.10001 = 9.37701 x 1099 pennies. 9.37701 x 1099 divided by 7.70514 x 1099 divided by (7.70514 x 1015)=1.21698 X 1084 cubic miles of pennies.
The farthest Quasar detected when this article was written in 1992 was 16 billion light years away. The volume of a sphere with a radius of 16 billion light years would be 3.48447 X 1069 cubic miles. The volume 2169 X 1084 would equal 3.49235 X 1014 spheres the size of the universe. That number is 349, 23,000,000,000. If you demanded payment at the in pennies they would have to give you the volume of pennies contained in 349 trillion, 235 billion spheres the size of our known univers in 1993 AD
If Abraham receive 1% interest and the pass book was found ti would be 255.694444 or 5.83039 X 1016. Divide that by 5 billion and you 11660797 pennies or $116,607.97. You could then give 5 billion poor people $116,607.97 each.
What can we learn from the above example of continual exponential growth? Our economic system and banking system is based on exponential growth, and it will have to die at some time. Our banking system is based on exponential interest growth. It can not go on forever. At some point it will go bankrupt. Our national debt can not forever keep increasing. An increase of one penny is too much It must be paid down. What can be done about national, business and private debt and interest. It is the Gordian Knot of our time and can be solved by the people and not by those who enforce the new Golden Rule. The Gordian Knot is a legend associated with Alexander the Great. It is often used as a metaphor for an intractable problem, solved by a bold stroke ("cutting the Gordian knot"):
The new Golden Rule is he who has the gold rules. As long as we have plutocracy the Gordian Knot of our time will not be solved. Plutocracy is rule by the wealthy, or power provided by wealth. The combination of both plutocracy and oligarchy is called plutarchy.
In a plutocracy, the degree of economic inequality is high while the level of social mobility is low. This can apply to a multitude of government systems, as the key elements of plutocracy transcend and often occur concurrently with the features of those systems.
The word plutocracy (Modern Greek: πλουτοκρατία - ploutokratia) is derived from the ancient Greek root ploutos, meaning wealth and kratos, meaning to rule or to govern.
The block to solving the economic problems of our time are the plutocratic shills in congress. One hundred percent of our elected office holders say they represent us while they are wolves in sheep clothing ready to heap more suffering on those that elect them. There needs to be a total house cleaning on Capitol Hill. Here is the strategy to cut the Gordian Knot of our time.
1. Congress needs to take back its power to print and coin money. It should not be left to the Federal Reserve Banking system that is not really a part of government. Try finding the phone number of the Federal Reserve in the government section of the Yellow Page Directory.
2. Congress needs to give a tax credit for all interest paid on loans, mortgages, car payments, and interest on credit cards. For example if you pay out $2000 in interest you would get a $2000 credit on the taxes you owe. If you owe only $1500 on your taxes the IRS would write you a check for $500 for you to spend as you see fit.
3. Interest collected by the financial institutions would be taxed at 95% to help pay for the tax credit for consumers.
4. Banks would no longer be able to make money by loaning out money by using the fractional banking system we now have in place. There primary business should be limited to storing money and facilitate the exchange of money. Let them make their money by transaction and deposit fees and not by enslaving people in more debt.
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