Saturday, September 26, 2009

Get rid of Minimum Wage Laws and replace with Maximum wage Law

Dr. Mary J. Ruwart makes a good argument against minimum wage laws. Instead of having minimum wage laws let’s have a maximum wage law. Would a maximum wage law for executive of corporations increase the wealth of all? Let the Republicans have their way and get rid of minimum wages and let the Democrats put in a law to limit the rewards of executives and CEO’s of banks and large corporations. Are the high wages of executives given by the voluntary transactions? The stockholders seem to have no say about executive compensation.

“If we truly wish to narrow the gap between rich and poor, while increasing the wealth of all, the most effective thing we can do is to say "No!" to the aggression of minimum wage and licensing laws. Instead of interfering in the voluntary transactions of others, we simply honor our neighbor's choice! It's that simple!” From Healing Our World.

Deficet Spending

Deficeit spending is another way for government to oppress the poor and make the rich richer.

Deficit spending, which occurs when the government needs to borrow, is really a redistribution of wealth from the poor to the rich. Quoted from Healing Our World:
The Other Piece of the Puzzle
Dr. Mary J. Ruwart

"Mary Ruwart has written what may be the most important book of this decade... It will challenge everything you think you know about how we can accomplish our goals of growth and prosperity as a nation of individuals." (Joseph Terrano, Visions Magazine)

Read the online version of Healing Our World


Find out the real reason the oppressors want ACORN to fail. See Will Bunch's blog.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009


If the Democrats can’t get a good public option through and support our President I will know longer vote for Democrat. I will be looking to vote for someone that is not tied to big money as you seem to beholding to and we can have the Republican oppressors take complete control,

"The World Health Organization ranks their health care outcomes. France is numer one and we are only 37th.
We spend $7,290 per person and end up in 37th place. They spend only $3,601 and they are number one. That's just not right.
On the average, Frenchmen live almost three years longer than the average American. That's infuriating..
The government doesn't deliver health care in France. Private doctors and hospitals do most of that. It just provides health insurance for everyone.
If you walk into one store and a suit you like costs $600 - and next door the very same suit is $300 - most people would call you a chump for spending $600. In this case the French are paying $300 and getting a better suit. What are we, idiots?
I, for one, refuse to believe that we are not as smart as the French. I can't believe that we willingly allow ourselves to continue to be fleeced by the private insurance executives who make millions off our current broken health care system.

In their private moments, those executives must not believe their luck. They are laughing all the way to the bank - laughing at us that we could be such suckers - and doing everything they can to keep things just the way they are.
Just today, they and their Republican defenders in Congress will try to prevent the Senate Finance Committee from ending the current practice (put in place by Bush and the Republicans) of subsidizing private insurance firms 14% to provide Medicare Advantage members the same benefits as Medicare. Do they think we are complete fools?
President Obama's health insurance reform plan finally offers us a chance to end the national embarrassment of being the world's biggest health care chumps. We can finally begin the process of ending the stranglehold of private insurance companies over our health care system with strong regulation, and by offering Americans a choice of keeping their private insurance or joining a strong public health insurance plan.
Of course the private health insurance companies hate the thought of a public health insurance option because it would force them to compete, cut profit margins, cut executive salaries, and control costs - just what America needs. And most Americans understand that. In a poll conducted just a week ago, 62% said they would be more likely to support President Obama's health insurance reform proposal if they had a choice of a public option. Only 28% said they would be less likely.
The only reason we wouldn't get a public option is if the insurance companies and their allies are allowed to hold our health care hostage by threatening to stop any form of health insurance reform if Congress limits their unfettered ability to fleece us through the current system. It is up to us to make sure that doesn't happen." Quoted from blog of Robert Cramer.

I also sent it as an email to Senator Klobuchar and please call her at 1-202-224-3244 and tell her you don't want to be chump. You can look up your Senator at

Klobuchar, Amy - (D - MN)
(202) 224-3244
Web Form:
Sigurd Hanson
4725 Minnetonka Blvd, Apt 320
St. Louis Park MN 55416


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Fired Up? Ready to go? Obama's Sept 12th Speech

I did not go away fired up and ready to go after his speech. I learned nothing more from him since his speech to the Senate on Wednesday.
I went to see and hear Obama today with great hopes for the people of America. I went away from the Target Center with little hope. Why did I go away with little hope? Because Obama couldn't even get a capacity crowd. There were people that waited to get in since Friday night. I arrived at the Target Center about 9:30 this morning and waited in a line that ended at Minneapolis Public Library. It took until about 11:15 am to get seated. There were all kinds of people behind me also lined up to get in. I could just as well showed up around noon as there still thousands of seats that were not filled.
If Obama can't get more people to a rally than he had I do not think the American people care about reform and they deserve a broken health system and get what they deserve.